Why Kodee?


How is all started

“Working as a CPA in the Tribal businesses for decades, I visited and met many tribal communities. At one of a somewhat casual meeting, a tribal leader explained, or rather excused, their lengthy process at obtaining a copy of the enrollment paper to give to their tribal members. This is a critical document needed for housing, employment, educations, and more. The daunting process went like this: the members would have to drive hundreds of miles to line up at their court house opened only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8 am and noon to request a copy of enrollment. If you are lucky enough to make the cut for that day, a court clerk would go into the court house, find the document and make a copy of the enrollment paper. This process can take up to a month. Then, while working as a CPA, auditing tribes, they did not know what a person like me could do. But one day, a seed was planted - something was struck inside of me; justice for all. Even technology should be spread equitably. That was beginning of the journey of Kodee.”

EJ Egghart, MBA, CPA, CEO

Inside Kodee

Kodee software is a culmination of extensive experience within Indian Tribes and Casinos using cutting edge technology and global talents. Within tribal organizations, people are spending a majority of their time entering unnecessary data rather than utilizing useful information to facilitate business decisions. Kodee’s vision is to alleviate this frustration and to provide innovative solutions aligning people, technology, and business processes.

Kodee Transforms Your Work Life

Every employee has a dream to work in a place using their talents and unlocking their true potential. 

Kodee transforms organizations to be more meaningful and creative by using technology effectively. 

A positive transformation of work life leads to more fulfillment of personal life. Kodee technology is our passion to accomplish such dreams for the Tribes and Indian Gaming Industries.  

Kodee Benefits You

Specializing in Indian Tribes and Gaming industry, many people can benefit from our numerous Kodee Software applications.

These applications can often connect to other applications to create an ERP system using one application at a time.

For example, our cloud based Licensing Manager applications can be integrated with our cloud based Incident Reporting application to share common data. This innovative design provides flexibility and convenience for tribes of any size or any economic size.